I am excited to currently be working on a collection of simple and classic snap back hats due to be available in time for summer 2016/2017! These hats will be custom made to order and will be available exclusively on my website.
VIP special evening of Māori Art in Melbourne, Australia!
Special thanks to everyone who came along to the intimate evening of Māori Art that we (myself and fellow moko artists Sian Montgomery-Neutze and Pip Hartley) held in Melbourne, Australia recently.
It was a fun night and we are grateful to everyone that came along to show their support, learn about the artworks that were available for purchase at the event, and to hear our artists talks. We had hoped to have some special guest VIP aboriginal artists in attendance at the event, but unfortunately they couldn't make it. We hope to work more collaboratively with the indigenous people of Australia at future art events like this in Oz.
We plan to run several more collaborative, intimate and informative special events of this nature in future, at different locations around the world!
Big thanks also to Aaron Stevenson who was our photographer for the night, you can check out more of his photography work here.
More info on the event can be found here.
Moko kauae in Hamilton this winter
I was thrilled to recently be invited to Hamilton to do this moko kauae in the home of the recipient, surrounded by a good 80+ whānau members and friends.
'Tuatea' exhibition opening at Toi Wāhine HQ in Porirua, Wellington
I was thrilled to organize this exhibition alongside the Toi Wāhine Collective at 10 Hartham Place, Porirua, Wellington. Check out our group website here for more info about who we are and what we do. I had three original paintings in this show and it was a privilege to exhibit alongside the following artists:
Robyn Kahukiwa (Ngāti Porou, Te Aitanga a Hauiti)
Kohai Grace (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa, Te Ātiawa, Ngāti Porou)
Elaine Bevan (Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Toa)
Julie Paama-Pengally (Tauranga Moana)
Evelyn Ross (Ngai Tuhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu)
Hayley Galo (Ngāti Toa)
Kaea Graham (Tūwharetoa, Te Rarawa, Taranaki)
Regan Balzer (Te Arawa, Ngāti Ranginui)
Vianney Parata (Ngāti Toa)
Aria Whaanga (Ngāti Kahungunu, Rakaipaaka)
Natasha Keating (Tūwharetoa, Ngaio Tuhoe, Te Ati Hau a Paparangi)
Pikihuia Haenga (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa, Ngāti Porou)
Sian Montgomery-Neutze (Muaūpoko, Ngai Tara)
Briar Allen (Muaūpoko, Ngaio Tara)
Taryn Beri (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Raukawa, Te Ātiawa)
Keri-Mei Zagrobelna (Te Whanau a Apanui, Te Ātiawa)
Miriama Grace-Smith (Ngāti Toa, Ngāti Hau, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Porou)
Rangimarie Sophie Jolley (Waikato - Tainui)
Xoe Hall (Kai Tahu)
Stevei Houkamau (Ngāti Porou, Rangitāne, Te Whānau a Apanui)
Kui Topia (Ngapuhi)
Paretapu Penetito-Waru (Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, Ngāti Hauā)
Lydia Wihapi (Ngāti Maniapoto)
Maakarita Paku (Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Kahungunu, Muriwhenua, Lakota Oyate)
Jo Haenga (Ngāti Porou)
This exhibition opened on 23rd June 2016 and will run for six weeks.
Toi Wāhine presents a Matariki exhibition featuring 25 Wahine Māori artists from the Porirua / Wellington area and beyond!
Nau mai haere mai ki te tautoko tenei kaupapa!
Sold out art prints! Thanks guys!
Printed in Porirua on silk matt 300gsm heavy paper, 449mm x 319mm in size.
"In a childs eyes, a mother is a goddess, she can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way."
Thanks to everyone that purchased one of these 10 limited edition digital art prints! I really appreciate it! Mauriora!
This Māori girl went to New York for the first time...
It was a three part trip - my partner, taonga puoro artist Jerome Kavanagh had a performance at The Lincoln Center to attend, I did a guest spot tattooing at NY Adorned, and I took over a capsule collection of art work to be exhibited at Ora Ny Gallery by the Toi Wāhine Collective. Phew it was an amazing whirlwind two trip and New York was so good to us, and I am so grateful to all of the inspiring conscious people we met over there!
New York, New York! We're coming for you!
I am beyond excited about taking a selection of art works by the Toi Wāhine Collective to ORA NY GALLERY in NEW YORK CITY very soon! Included in the capsule collection will be original paperworks, open and limited edition art prints, contemporary taonga, jewelry and a film installation.
Special guest friends of the Toi Wāhine Collective will also be performing in the gallery space on both evenings. If you have friends and whānau in New York, please share this panui with them, and help us share some of our art with the world.
Thank you!
Toi Wāhine Collective to host 'Shop Frontin Porirua' in association with Pātaka Art + Museum
Come on down to Hartham Place in Porirua on Thursday 31st March at 6PM to check out and support this awesome initiative.
Notebooks all sold out
Thanks to everyone that bought one of these notebooks. They are now all sold out for now.
Phase two of Toi Wāhine: 6th Jan - 25th Feb 2016
What initially started as a one-off, three week exhibition of seven Māori women artists has grown and multiplied into something far greater and more awesome! The Toi Wāhine Collective has been very fortunate to be able to continue to occupy our HQ space at 10 Hartham Place, Porirua.
We opened our second exhibition on 6th January with an intimate gathering, and this time around we had several new guest artists join the fold. Included in the second round of Toi Wāhine, alongside our initial seven founding members were artists:
Robyn Kahukiwa
Alison Waru
Jess Potiki
Kaea Graham
Awhina Tamarapa
Pip Hartley
Stevei Houkamau
Kui Topia
Hayley Galo
Maxine Montgomery
The Toi Wāhine Collective is very grateful to have the support of these outstanding Māori Women Artists and to include the work of these women into our ever-evolving and expanding art project.
Tomorrow (26th Feb) will see phase three of Toi Wāhine born, with new works being hung, and more new artists contributing to our kaupapa.
'Ka puu te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi' youth art exhibition hosted by the Toi Waahine Collective
Kia ora!
We the ladies of Toi Waahine Collective are pleased to announce our next kaupapa - a youth art exhibition open to all children in New Zealand aged 5-18 years old. This is a great opportunity for budding young artists to have the experience of being part of a real art exhibition at a real exhibition space that the public are able to visit.
Email taryn.teuira@gmail.com for an entry form or collect a hardcopy from Toi Waahine HQ at 10 Hartham Place, Porirua. All completed artworks should be delivered to 10 Hartham Place, Porirua by Friday 11th March, ready to hang.
Exhibition on now at Mahara Gallery in Waikanae
A series of my glitter paintings is currently on show at Mahara Gallery in Waikanae, showing until 14th February 2016. If you're in the area, go and check it out!
Sold out limited edition art prints: kotahitanga set of two
Big thank you to everyone that purchased a set of my kotahitanga art prints titled 'the world is one family' and 'vasudhaiva kutumbakam'. These were a limited edition run of 20 per design which I released in October 2015. I really appreciate the support of everyone that bought some! Thank you so much and I do hope you enjoy hanging them in your home or office!
Taryn Beri
My most recent trip tattooing in Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
I enjoy traveling to Nelson at least once a year to work on my awesome clientele there. I have heaps of whanau in Nelson and it is always great to catch up with them when I am in the area.
I always seem to be given some kind of kaimoana when I am down south and for that I am very grateful!
Eating out is one of the thrills of life for me and so far my favorite restaurant in Nelson is Cod and Lobster and I totally recommend them over anywhere in Nelson that I have tried thus far!
This was my favorite song of the trip.
Here are a few photos of my most recent trip to Nelson 27th - 29th December 2015.
The first round of community art workshops at Toi Wāhine HQ, 10 Hartham Place, Porirua
Reflecting on the opening of Toi Wāhine 2015 at 10 Hartham Pl, Porirua
On 2nd December myself and six other female Māori artists affiliated to the Porirua area (Xoe Hall, Pikihuia Carkeek-Haenga, Sophie Jolley, Miriama Grace-Smith, Sian Montgomery-Neutze, Keri-Mei Zagrobelna) had our exhibition opening for Toi Wāhine 2015 at 10 Hartham Place in Porirua.
Thanks to Urban Dream Brokerage who helped us to obtain the awesome space to have our show in. Thank you to everyone that came along to the opening event and made it such a special night!
Here are some photos from Toi Wāhine 2015 which ran for three weeks from 2nd - 22nd December 2015.
More upcoming events at Toi Wāhine HQ, 10 Hartham Place, Porirua
Come along and get involved in the action coming up this Thursday and Friday at Toi Wāhine HQ! All welcome!
Sold out art prints: wahine toa limited edition of 45
I am very pleased that these limited edition art prints have now all sold out! Big thank you to everyone that purchased one, I really value your support!
"A māreikura, an angel, a protector, an icon, a higher self, a vision, a messenger being, a friend, a reflection, a woman of light and strength, a reminder, a role model, an alter ego, a sister, a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, a guardian, an aunty, an archetype to aspire to be like, a modern day warrior, a personification of the divine feminine - this is what the 'Wahine Toa' art print speaks to and represents."
Upcoming community workshops at Toi Wāhine 2015 HQ, 10 Hartham Place, Porirua
The exhibition Toi Wāhine 2015 that I am a part of alongside Xoe Hall, Sian Montgomery-Neutze, Miriama Grace-Smith, Pikihuia Haenga-Carkeek, Keri-mei Zagrobelna and Rangimarie Sophie Jolley, is on now until 22nd December 2015. So far it has been an amazing journey and I have been relishing every minute of the synergy and collaborative energy that comes from working in a group of like minded people.
We have several community events and workshops coming up soon. Here are two of them - mural painting workshop on Saturday 12th December and customised footwear workshop on Sunday 20th December.
I hope you can make it along to have some fun and share some time with our group of artists!