Looking forward to participating in the upcoming Porirua Art Trail alongside our multi-disciplinary Ngati Toa artists, the Ahi Kaa Toi Collective and my immediate family in our newly established Horomona Whanau Collective.
The artforms already included in the Horomona Whanau Collective with my teina and tuakana include taa moko, painting, taaniko, raaranga, whakairo, toi kupu and contemporary object art.
Over the past year or so we have participated as a whanau in several community + art events together and our collaborative whanau toi kaupapa continues to grow, develop and evolve organically and beautifully with our complimentary skill sets, ideas, talents and personalities.
Come and visit us all at both Whitireia Polytech and at Pataka Art + Museum on 8 and 9 March 2025. We will have artistic earrings, taaniko works, bags and scarfs available as well as some original paintings and A4 frameable art prints.
Waitangi Day with Ngati Toa artists at Pataka Art + Museum
Waitangi Day with Ngati Toa artists and the Ahi Kaa Toi Collective at Pataka Art + Museum was alot of fun. Thanks to everyone that supported our artists and made purchases on the day.
Back in Otaki for 2025 waananga life
I am now based back in Otaki once more and i’m excited to also be enrolling to study whakairo (carving) for personal interest and development at Te Wananga o Raukawa for 2025.
I love learning and it’s a privilege to have the chance to study again at this point of my life.
It is also such a blessing to be back involved with my church community at Rangiatea.
Recent mahi kirituhi ki Hongoeka Marae
It was an honour to recently create kirituhi and share my art alongside other Ngati Toa artists with some First Nation indigenous special guests visiting Hongoeka Marae.
'Painting the joy back into life' new painting now available
Happy to have a new original painting in a new fun, colourful, vibrant, floral style now available over on my PAINTINGS page.
'Love, land, lineage' an upcoming solo exhibition
I am currently working on my upcoming solo exhibition of new paintings.
’Love, land, lineage’ will be my most significant solo exhibition to date and is scheduled to open on 1 May 2025 at the Toi Maori Gallery in Wellington CBD.
Mahi moko ki Tuku Rakau, Waikanae
New paintings now available
I have recently completed 6 new paintings.
BIG THANKS to everyone that has already bought art from me over the past sixteen or so years.
Recent moko peha puhoro work
I am thrilled to currently be working on two moko peha puhoro for clients in Nelson and Wellington.
We are spreading the work out over time, during several sessions, rather than doing it all in one big sitting lasting several days in a row. I look forward to sharing more pics once the mahi is all complete.
I am happy to offer moko peha puhoro to both male and female clients.
Email me on taryn.teuira@gmail.com if you would like to start your moko peha puhoro journey with me.
Installation of my art at Labour MP offices in Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Many thanks to Creative Manaaki for organizing the current installation of over 15 of my art works in Paraparaumu, at the offices of female Labour MP’s Terisa Ngobi and Barbara Edmonds.
Most of the art pieces on display are original paintings.
I always appreciate diverse opportunities to exhibit and sell my art works.
My recent tour of Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns and Perth, Australia
Many thanks to all the beautiful souls that have crossed my path over the recent months of my Australia tour in Melbourne, Brisbane, Cairns and Perth.
It has been especially significant to spend time with close whanau in Australia whom I haven’t seen in a few years due to Covid.
I appreciate you all so much.
Matariki Whakanuia exhibition at Kiwibank Paraparaumu
I was very happy to have five artworks exhibited recently at the ‘Matariki Whakanuia’ exhibition at Kiwibank Paraparaumu organized by Creative Manaaki.
Many thanks to everyone that made this exhibition happen.
'Waitangi, why tangi, why we tangi' exhibition in Palmerston North and Whakatane
Happy to have one of my original paintings in the ‘WAITANGI, WHY TANGI, WHY WE TANGI’ exhibition that showed in Palmerston North and is soon opening in Whakatane, New Zealand.
Thanks to everyone involved in making this exhibition happen.
Mana Island painting series in progress
It’s lovely to have a view of Mana Island to gaze upon from my private painting studio in Titahi Bay.
Here’s some recent poetry inspired by the many moods of the island I look at every day:
Today I cannot see my island
She is shrouded and cloaked in cloud
Hidden from the view
Of her usual nosey neighbours
Our island has reappeared
Beaming as usual
Te Tauihu at the back
Beckoning beautifully high and clear
Singing for me to come near
Every evening
We would watch the sun set
Over Mana Island
Making each other dinners
Infused with love
Taking turns at saying different karakia
Out on the deck
Before we ate
Staring into the horizon
Giving thanks for all the blessings
At our colourful table
Singing praises
And laughing together
Admiring the view
Each day moving forward
The both of us
Into the new
I am happy to now be working on a new series of small paintings featuring our very special island.
The completed works will be available to purchase online in time.
Recent mahi moko in Porirua, Wellington
It has been very healing and grounding to have been based in Porirua, Wellington, my tribal homeland, for the past four months or so.
Thanks to all my local clients and those that traveled from afar to get tattooed by me in recent months.
My recent TE TAUIHU taa moko summer tour
Thank you so much to all of my clients in Nelson, Blenheim, Taakaka and Kaikoura that I recently tattooed during my summer Te Tauihu tour, it was great to see you all!
Recent mahi moko completed in Otaki, Nelson and Opunaki
Much gratitude to the women and men who came to get tattooed by me recently in Otaki, Nelson and Opunake. I appreciate every one of my clients.
I am currently in the process of transitioning my main painting and moko practice to Porirua, my tribal homeland, which I am very happy about. It just feels right to go home at this time in history and in my life.
With an awesome client.
With a lovely client.
With a lovely client.
With some lovely clients.
With a lovely client.
Tattooing at Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand
I was chuffed to be invited to Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand earlier this year to taa moko alongside some outstanding artists and culture experts.
With some of my whanau at Te Papa.
New commissioned painting for TWITTER
I was thrilled to recently have been commissioned by TWITTER to complete this original painting titled ‘NEW BEGINNING’ for their new Wellington office.
For all custom painting commissions please email taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
Work in progress.
The final piece.
Thank you for getting tattooed by me this year!
Many thanks to all of the beautiful people, men and women who came to get tattooed by me this year!
May we all have a wonderful and blessed 2021 together!
Ngaa mihi nui!