I have been really getting into my painting practice over the past few months and I am so grateful to everyone who has already purchased one of my original pieces!
I am also now taking custom personalized commission orders for my paintings based on your story/kaupapa, your ideal budget and your color scheme, you can email me on taryn.teuira@gmail.com to enquire about your own personalized color therapy painting!
Thank you for supporting my art practice!
Mauriora x
Te Atiawa
Mahi moko ki Tuku Rakau, Waikanae
My latest collection of rongoā toi ora reflective light + color therapy paintings
Traveling on the ferry with my trusty sidekick and partner, Jerome.
My most recent trip tattooing in Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
I enjoy traveling to Nelson at least once a year to work on my awesome clientele there. I have heaps of whanau in Nelson and it is always great to catch up with them when I am in the area.
I always seem to be given some kind of kaimoana when I am down south and for that I am very grateful!
Eating out is one of the thrills of life for me and so far my favorite restaurant in Nelson is Cod and Lobster and I totally recommend them over anywhere in Nelson that I have tried thus far!
This was my favorite song of the trip.
Here are a few photos of my most recent trip to Nelson 27th - 29th December 2015.