I am looking forward to exhibiting some of my work alongside 7 other awesome wahine artists in the upcoming exhibition ‘BEING FEMALE HERE NOW’ opening soon in Waikanae, Kāpiti Coast, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
If you are in the area, go and check it out! Mauriora!
Taryn Beri
Reflecting on the opening of my solo exhibition 'Purapura Whetū' in Perth, Western Australia
'Call on them and they shall appear'.
I have books coming out soon!
Live taonga pūoro at the opening night created a wonderful ambience.
Big thanks to everyone that came along to the opening night at The Sound Temple!
'Hiwa i te rangi, your hearts desire'.
'Our ancestors watch over us'.
It was a great feeling finally have my first solo show after all these years of being a working artist!
Big thanks to The Sound Temple for hosting the exhibition.
'The people of the rainbow gather'. SOLD.
'Celestial Connections' SOLD and 'Star Seeds' on the right.
I love doing large scale paintings! The more I do, the more I want to do!
Spoken word poetry performance at the opening night, with taonga pūoro accompaniment by Jerome Kavanagh.
'The many radiant descendants'.
Giving an artist talk on all the paintings and the concept for the exhibition.
Leading 'The Wāhine Power Circle' in Perth, Western Australia was so much fun!
On 13th July 2017 I facilitated my first 'Wāhine Power Circle' four hour event in Perth, Western Australia at The Sound Temple. Around fifteen wāhine of all ages, from all walks of life and from different cultural backgrounds, came together for the afternoon to share, learn, heal, transform and participate.
Designing, creating and facilitating my own events is something that brings me a lot of joy, and I have a lot of fun with it! It was so easy and natural for me to lead and share in this way, and I felt right in my element making this event happen with these women.
We gathered around the fire, performed our own 'letting go and releasing' ceremony before we went ahead and then called in what we wanted to manifest in our lives, and set some new intentions for the future. We entered The Sound Temple and received a taonga pūoro healing sound bath from taonga pūoro practitioner, Jerome Kavanagh.
We shared a delicious organic afternoon tea together, surrounded by nature.
We adorned ourselves.
We shared kōrero, exchanged stories, songs, haka and karakia (prayers).
We learned about the lessons that the Atua (goddesses) and Tūpuna (ancestors) Māori, Papatūānuku, Hineahuone, Hinetitama, Hinenuitepo, Hineraukatauri and Niwareka, have to teach us in this modern world that we live in.
Every women in attendance also received a free art print.
'The Wāhine Power Circle' was held inside the 'Purapura Whetū' exhibition which is showing at The Sound Temple until 13th October 2017.
This event was very popular and there will be more 'Wāhine Power Circle' events coming up in future at different locations around the world! I will most likely have new packs of my popular oracle affirmation cards included in the ticket price of future events.
Join my mailing list if you would like to keep up to date on when this event may be coming to your town! Details of all upcoming events will always be posted on my events page too.
Thank you so much to all of the beautiful strong women that attended this event!
'Loved every moment! Thank you Taryn.'
- Shelley Stewart
'What a blessed time! Much thanks for sharing your hearts work Taryn.'
- Chrissy Whitehead
'It was a truly magical day.'
- Rae Brown
'Thank you Taryn for such a special day. I loved every minute.'
- Rebecca Joyce
'AWESOME day. I highly recommend the work of Taryn Beri. Powerful and really insightful.'
- Helen McKenzie
'Thank you Taryn for holding the circle today...and for your fearlessness. So inspiring. Beautiful blessings and gratitude.'
- Kim Echammaal
'Incredible, incredible, incredible! Thanks for coming out of the hedge and joining us centre stage in your life, we embrace you, we see you, we love you, divine feminine energy following your true hearts desire with pure intention, thank you Taryn Beri.'
- Dawn Steel
My first solo exhibition 'Purapura Whetū' opens on 13th July in Perth, Australia
Having my own solo show has been on my mind for the past couple of years, so I am thrilled to finally be doing it next month in Perth, Australia! More details about the opening event on 13th July 2017 will be coming soon.
As the exhibition will be showing for a long time (three months) I am also planning on having at least one other special event in the exhibition space at a later date, after the opening. These special events will most likely include live spoken word poetry readings and taonga puoro sound experiences, among other awesome stuff I am yet to cook up!
Big gratitude goes out to Dawn and John at The Sound Temple! The venue is truly beautiful and unique and I am honoured to be hanging my work in the space for three months!
If you are in the Perth area I hope that you are able to get along and check it out with your friends and whānau!
Traditional Tattoo & World Culture Festival: Palma de Mallorca (Spain) we're coming for you!
Looking forward to attending the Traditional Tattoo & World Culture Festival at Palma de Mallorca (an island off Spain). I will be attending this awesome event with a roopu of about 12 other Māori tā moko artists, mirimiri + rongoa experts, a taonga puoro expert and a pounamu carving expert.
After this 8 day event our group will then be travelling to Amsterdam in The Netherlands to work at a convention there, and some of us will also be running an exciting Māori Art + Music Salon in Amsterdam. You can buy tickets for this private and intimate evening event in Amsterdam, here.
Our group for the evening. Thanks everyone for coming along!
VIP special evening of Māori Art in Melbourne, Australia!
Special thanks to everyone who came along to the intimate evening of Māori Art that we (myself and fellow moko artists Sian Montgomery-Neutze and Pip Hartley) held in Melbourne, Australia recently.
It was a fun night and we are grateful to everyone that came along to show their support, learn about the artworks that were available for purchase at the event, and to hear our artists talks. We had hoped to have some special guest VIP aboriginal artists in attendance at the event, but unfortunately they couldn't make it. We hope to work more collaboratively with the indigenous people of Australia at future art events like this in Oz.
We plan to run several more collaborative, intimate and informative special events of this nature in future, at different locations around the world!
Big thanks also to Aaron Stevenson who was our photographer for the night, you can check out more of his photography work here.
More info on the event can be found here.
Original paintings for sale on the night by Sian Montgomery-Neutze.
Sian Montgomery-Neutze giving her artist talk.
Sian Montgomery-Neutze giving her artist talk.
Some of the artwork that was for sale on the night.
Some of the artwork that was for sale on the night by Miriama Grace-Smith (on the left) and Xoe Hall (on the right).
Giving my artist talk.
Viewing prints by celebrated Maori artist, Robyn Kahukiwa.
Viewing some of the collection that was available on the night.
Giving my artist talk at the one off special event.
With Melbourne based photographer, Aaron Stevenson.
Some of the contemporary Māori art collection that was available at the special event.
Some of the contemporary Māori art collection that was available at the special event.
Listening to artist talks.
An original drawing by renowned Māori artist Robyn Kahukiwa (above) and small taaniko, leather and toroa feather taonga by Sian Montgomery-Neutze (below).
Artist Pip Hartley with new friends.
Some great discussions were had.
Explaining my interpretation of original works by internationally renowned Māori artist, Robyn Kahukiwa.
Some of the contemporary Māori art collection that was available at the special event.
An original painting by Sian Montgomery-Neutze.
Pip Hartley of Karanga Ink giving her artist talk.
Some of the contemporary Māori art collection that was available at the special event.
Prints by Xoe Hall.
Moko kauae in Hamilton this winter
I was thrilled to recently be invited to Hamilton to do this moko kauae in the home of the recipient, surrounded by a good 80+ whānau members and friends.
With the lady of the day, and Benita Tahuri on the left.
With Benita Tahuri and my partner Jerome Kavanagh.
Very grateful to have been gifted this book on the trip.
Reflecting on the opening of Toi Wāhine 2015 at 10 Hartham Pl, Porirua
On 2nd December myself and six other female Māori artists affiliated to the Porirua area (Xoe Hall, Pikihuia Carkeek-Haenga, Sophie Jolley, Miriama Grace-Smith, Sian Montgomery-Neutze, Keri-Mei Zagrobelna) had our exhibition opening for Toi Wāhine 2015 at 10 Hartham Place in Porirua.
Thanks to Urban Dream Brokerage who helped us to obtain the awesome space to have our show in. Thank you to everyone that came along to the opening event and made it such a special night!
Here are some photos from Toi Wāhine 2015 which ran for three weeks from 2nd - 22nd December 2015.
Toi Wāhine 2015: a pop up exhibition of 7 female artists coming soon to Porirua!
Sian Montgomery-Neutze, Rangimarie Sophie Jolley, Taryn Beri, Miriama Grace-Smith, Xoe Hall, and Pikihuia Haenga-Carkeek at our first wānanga together in preparation for the exhibition. Our jewellery artist Keri-Mei Zagrobelna was in Europe when we took this photo but she will be back in December in time for our exhibition opening!
Due to open on 2nd December in Hartham Place, Porirua, this exhibition is set to be a diverse, unpredictable and exciting mix of seven young Māori female artists. Included in Toi Wāhine 2015 are female painters, moko artists, a writer, a jewellery designer and a film maker, all with some kind of affiliation to and affection for Porirua City.
The idea was born from seeing a call for proposals that was put out by Letting Space's service Urban Dream Brokerage, a radical and conscious organisation that makes use of empty and vacant shop spaces, transforming them for a short time into living, breathing, useful community based spaces.
Our exhibition will open on Wednesday 2nd December and run through till Tuesday 22nd December (please mark it in your calendars). Located under the canopies in Porirua by where childrens clothing store 'TnT' used to be! Details of the official opening event are still to come, so if you are interested then please stay posted (join my mailing list).
An exciting programme of events is currently being developed by our group, with each individual artist running a workshop for the public to come along and participate in, learn, share and contribute. Live tā moko will also be happening in the exhibition space throughout the three week period, including moko kauae.
Contributing artists in Toi Wāhine 2015 are:
Xoe Hall (muralist, glitterist and painter)
Sian Montgomery-Neutze (multimedia artist, painter and moko artist)
Miriama Grace-Smith (multimedia artist and fashion designer)
Keri-Mei Zagrobelna (jewellery artist)
Rangimarie Sophie Jolley (writer)
Taryn Beri (multimedia artist, painter and moko artist)
Pikihuia Haenga-Carkeek (experimental film maker)
So far our group has had two wānanga, sharing ideas and making art together, with more wānanga scheduled to come in the lead up to the opening of the exhibition.
Sian Montgomery-Neutze at our first wānanga toi.
Miriama Grace-Smith at our first wānanga toi.
Rangimarie Sophie Jolley at our first wānanga toi.
Xoe Hall at our first wānanga toi.
We will have interactive installations, paintings and prints for sale, community workshops, live tā moko happening onsite and lots of other fun and awesome things happening over the three weeks - more details to come.
I hope you can make it along to check it out, participate and support the kaupapa!
Taryn Beri