I am currently working on my upcoming solo exhibition of new paintings.
’Love, land, lineage’ will be my most significant solo exhibition to date and is scheduled to open on 1 May 2025 at the Toi Maori Gallery in Wellington CBD.
Contemporary Māori Art
Mahi moko ki Tuku Rakau, Waikanae
New paintings now available
I have recently completed 6 new paintings.
BIG THANKS to everyone that has already bought art from me over the past sixteen or so years.
Installation of my art at Labour MP offices in Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Many thanks to Creative Manaaki for organizing the current installation of over 15 of my art works in Paraparaumu, at the offices of female Labour MP’s Terisa Ngobi and Barbara Edmonds.
Most of the art pieces on display are original paintings.
I always appreciate diverse opportunities to exhibit and sell my art works.
Matariki Whakanuia exhibition at Kiwibank Paraparaumu
I was very happy to have five artworks exhibited recently at the ‘Matariki Whakanuia’ exhibition at Kiwibank Paraparaumu organized by Creative Manaaki.
Many thanks to everyone that made this exhibition happen.
'Waitangi, why tangi, why we tangi' exhibition in Palmerston North and Whakatane
Happy to have one of my original paintings in the ‘WAITANGI, WHY TANGI, WHY WE TANGI’ exhibition that showed in Palmerston North and is soon opening in Whakatane, New Zealand.
Thanks to everyone involved in making this exhibition happen.
Mana Island painting series in progress
It’s lovely to have a view of Mana Island to gaze upon from my private painting studio in Titahi Bay.
Here’s some recent poetry inspired by the many moods of the island I look at every day:
Today I cannot see my island
She is shrouded and cloaked in cloud
Hidden from the view
Of her usual nosey neighbours
Our island has reappeared
Beaming as usual
Te Tauihu at the back
Beckoning beautifully high and clear
Singing for me to come near
Every evening
We would watch the sun set
Over Mana Island
Making each other dinners
Infused with love
Taking turns at saying different karakia
Out on the deck
Before we ate
Staring into the horizon
Giving thanks for all the blessings
At our colourful table
Singing praises
And laughing together
Admiring the view
Each day moving forward
The both of us
Into the new
I am happy to now be working on a new series of small paintings featuring our very special island.
The completed works will be available to purchase online in time.
Tattooing at Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand
I was chuffed to be invited to Te Papa Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand earlier this year to taa moko alongside some outstanding artists and culture experts.
With some of my whanau at Te Papa.
New commissioned painting for TWITTER
I was thrilled to recently have been commissioned by TWITTER to complete this original painting titled ‘NEW BEGINNING’ for their new Wellington office.
For all custom painting commissions please email taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
Work in progress.
The final piece.
Thank you for getting tattooed by me this year!
Many thanks to all of the beautiful people, men and women who came to get tattooed by me this year!
May we all have a wonderful and blessed 2021 together!
Ngaa mihi nui!
‘EVERY GOOD AND PERFECT GIFT IS FROM ABOVE’ from James 1:17. Original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
My new SPRING COLLECTION of original #littleprayer paintings
This Spring I am having a lot of fun playing with a new color palette inspired by the colors that I observe in my garden. This is a new season of life for me where I am spending a lot of time at home, gardening, painting, mothering, restoring, re-generating, praying, meditating, studying Christianity and observing nature.
Being able to spend a lot of my days now focusing on experiential color therapy and painting, is another dream come true for me.
The yellow used in this series refers to the gorgeous sunny faces of the Daffodils that have now sprung up everywhere with the coming of Spring. Also represented in this series are the kumara and riwai (potatoes) that are growing in our garden, mounded with earth around them to keep them warm - a symbol of sustenance, survival, and nourishment for the family, and a gift from God.
The whitebait that have started running in the river here in Ōtaki are also represented in this series, and I am looking forward to cooking and eating the ones in my freezer given to me by a lovely client!
These paintings are colored songs of praise and worship for our life-giving God and His gifts given to us through the physical natural world, whenua (earth), maara (gardens), flowers, trees, plants and natural kai.
The abundance of nature is revered in the SPRING COLLECTION, and the colors of the gorgeous wildflowers springing up at this time of year also - I love observing the different wildflowers and their colors in our garden.
Spring is a time of re-generation. fecundity, new life, birth, new beginnings, and fertility and these themes are symbolized throughout this new series of works.
The earth literally becomes ‘born again’ during the Spring season, and having recently been baptized into Gods Kingdom at Rangiātea Church here in Ōtaki, I now have a deeper understanding of what it means to be ‘born again’, and natures demonstration of this during the Spring season is truly a sight to behold, and to be a part of, as a human engaging with nature.
Email taryn.teuira@gmail.com to stay posted about new works becoming available soon from the SPRING 2020 COLLECTION.
Working outside in the sun on the new SPRING COLLECTION.
‘OH COME, LET US ADORE HIM’ original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. AVAILABLE by emailing taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
‘POIPOIA TE KAAKANO KIA PUAWAI’ original painting. 20cm by 25cm. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. AVAILABLE by emailing taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
‘ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD’ from Mark 10:27. Original painting, acrylic, ink, glitter, gloss on stretched canvas. 50cm by 60cm. Signed and dated on the back. AVAILABLE by emailing taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
‘BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS, FOR THEY WILL BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD’ from Matthew 5:9. Original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on the back. AVAILABLE by emailing taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
‘THE FECUNDITY OF SPRING’ original painting, acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘FOR THE GIFT OF JAH IS LIFE’ new original painting from the SPRING COLLECTION. NOW SOLD.
I love to look at my garden when I paint.
‘OLD THINGS ARE PASSED AWAY, BEHOLD ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW’ from 2 Corinthians 5:17. Original painting, acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘LET THE HEAVENS REJOICE AND THE EARTH BE GLAD’ from Psalm 96:11. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘WE BURIED OUR UTU AND EMBRACED FORGIVENESS’ original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘GOD IS WITHIN HER, SHE WILL NOT FAIL’ from Psalm 46:5. Original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘PEACE I LEAVE WITH YOU, MY PEACE I GIVE UNTO YOU’ from John 14:27. Original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
Crushing on this color palette.
‘BE IMITATORS OF GOD, AS LOVED CHILDREN’ original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘IN ALL THINGS, REJOICE’ original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas, signed and dated on thew back. SOLD.
‘I WILL WALK BY FAITH, EVEN WHEN I CANNOT SEE’ original painting. Acrylic, ink. gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
‘KUA WAATEA TE HINENGARO, ME TE KAHA O TE RERE O TE WAIRUA, KA TAEA E KOE NGAA MEA KATOA’ original painting. Acrylic, ink, gloss on stretched canvas. Signed and dated on the back. SOLD.
Also, big thanks to everyone that has recently visited me at my private Ōtaki (Wellington) based studio, to receive taa moko.
‘MANA FROM HEAVEN’ new original painting. Email taryn.teuira@gmail.com to purchase.
A change of heart, new 'MANA FROM HEAVEN' collection
A new JESUS inspired collection has sprung through me, quite unplanned. Here are some of the first pieces. I am currently working on more new original paintings in this series, and it feels very healing and exciting for me.
I am looking at converting to Christianity and have been recently studying the Bible, the teachings of Jesus, the different Māori Christian movements of the past two hundred years, and general Christian philosophies overall - for the first time in my life, at age 35.
Part of what really appeals to me so far about this pathway, is the simple values of love, peace and forgiveness and the daily practice of those things.
I now have new eyes and a new heart and the internal shift feels quite profound for me. I will write and share more on this topic in time.
Attending our Māori Anglican Church, Rangiātea in Ōtaki recently has been a blessing.
‘DO NOT FEAR, FOR I AM WITH YOU’ new original painting, from Isaiah 41:10. SOLD. 20cm by 25cm.
‘WHEN YOU PASS THROUGH THE WATERS, I WILL BE WITH YOU’ new original painting. From Isaiah 43:2. SOLD.
‘WRITE IT IN THE HEAVENS’ new original diptych. SOLD.
‘SHE IS FAR MORE PRECIOUS THAN JEWELS’ new original painting. From Proverbs 31:10. SOLD.
‘THE ALLURE OF GENTLENESS’ new original painting. SOLD.
Thank you to all of the supportive people that purchased these paintings in this series.
Celebrating Matariki at Te Papa this 19th July 2020
Looking forward to joining an awesome group of artists that will be sharing their art forms together at Te Papa Tongarewa National Museum of New Zealand this Matariki on 19th July from 11AM - 3PM.
I will be demonstrating taa moko and will also have some of my original paintings on display.
Hope to see you there if you’re around Wellington!
A recent moko completed at my new private studio in Ōtaki, Wellington.
A recently completed original painting titled ‘Hei te pō, hei te ao’ currently showing at Toi Matarau Gallery at the Māoriland Hub in Ōtaki.
A recently completed original painting titled ‘He kororia ki te atua’ currently showing at Toi Matarau Gallery at the Māoriland Hub in Ōtaki.
Checking out some of the mahi whakairo (carving).
Recent tattoo convention and artist waananga in Tauranga
Earlier in March I was grateful to attend a week long waananga for moko artists in Tauranga, followed by the weekend-long Tauranga Tattoo Extravaganza - two awesome events with amazing artists to work alongside. Thanks to everyone that got tattooed by me in Tauranga recently.
I loved making new friends with some new indigenous tattooers that I hadn’t met before, from Canada, Greenland, Tahiti and The States. It was also awesome to collaboratively work on some new paintings with some of these international artists, all cultural art revivalists in their own respective parts of the world.
Big thanks to everyone involved in making these two events, amazing kaupapa to be involved with.
Indigenous Greenland Inuit Inuk artist contributing to one of my collaborative canvases at our waananga.
Getting tattooed by my whanaunga at our artists waananga.
With my new friend, Inuit Inuk Tattoo Revivalist from Greenland.
With First Nation sisters from California region.
With some of our taa moko tatau artist crew.
Awesome catching up with fellow Wellington artists Miriama Grace Smith and Pikihuia Haenga recently in Wellington, Aotearoa, New Zealand.
Some of my latest paintings coming at you from Wellington
Kia ora!
I returned home to Porirua, Wellington, Aotearoa at the end of January 2020 for some much needed time in my own rohe (tribal area). I will continue to be based at home in the Welington region for the foreseeable future due to the current pandemic.
I have had to postpone, cancel and reschedule many pre-planned overseas trips, kaupapa and clients for 2020 and I will be in touch with you directly about those if you were to be involved in anything that i’ve had to change due to current travel restrictions worldwide.
Here are some of my recently completed paintings, all infused with a HEALING intention. More paintings are currently in progress and I look forward to keeping you updated on new works available.
‘Native links’ collaborative painting with First Nation HAIDA artist Gregory. We completed this in March at a recent artist waananga in Tauranga. SOLD.
‘Ocean people’ collaborative painting with First Nation TLINGIT artist Nahaan, painter Kiana Ormsby and myself. Currently available at TOI MATARAU GALLERY, Māoriland Hub, Ōtaki. We completed this in March at a recent artist waananga in Tauranga.
‘Mana o te wahine’ currently available at TOI MATARAU GALLERY, Māoriland Hub, Ōtaki.
‘Nō runga i te rangi’ currently available. Email taryn.teuira@gmail.com to purchase.
Detail of ‘Kia kaha, kia maia, kia manawanui’ currently available at TOI MATARAU GALLERY, Māoriland Hub, Ōtaki.
‘WHITI TE RĀ’ now SOLD. Acrylic, ink, gloss, glitter, gold leaf on canvas.
Thank you for buying my #rongoātoi original paintings
Thank you to the wonderful people that recently purchased these original paintings from me.
All of my paintings are infused with aroha and healing intention, and fuse wai (water), rā (reflective light), color therapy, and ancient symbolism.
I am currently on the look out for new GALLERIES to exhibit and sell my new paintings for me, in different locations around the world. Email me on taryn.teuira@gmail.com.
Also check out the ‘ANGEL’ limited edition fine art prints available HERE.
‘HOPE FOR A GENERATION’ by Taryn Beri. Acrylic, ink, glitter and gloss on canvas. NOW SOLD.
‘NATURAL HARMONY’ by Taryn Beri. Acrylic, ink, gold leaf, glitter, lapis lazuli and gloss on canvas. 20cm by 20cm. NOW SOLD.
‘AROHA ATU AROHA MAI’ (still available) and ‘NATURAL HARMONY’ both 20cm by 20cm.
Top left ‘EYE OF AN ANGEL’ and top right ‘AN ANCIENT ANGEL CAME UNTO YOU’. Bottom three from left to right ‘TO NGĀKAU NUI, YOUR SACRED HEART’ and ‘A LITTLE PRAYER’ and ‘ORANGA MO TE WHANAU’.
Recently sold paintings
Many thanks to the 4 different wāhine that recently purchased these 8 paintings from me! I really appreciate the tautoko.
I painted all of these in Perth, Western Australia.
Now showing at Toi Matarau Gallery (Māoriland Hub), Ōtaki, New Zealand.
New paintings now showing at Toi Matarau Gallery in Ōtaki, New Zealand
I am pleased to now have a collection of my new paintings now available at Toi Matarau Gallery (Māoriland Hub) in Ōtaki.
Now that I am painting a lot, I am on the lookout for galleries in different locations to exhibit and sell my work.
I am really loving the organic round form and i’m currently experimenting with different canvas shapes.
Showing at Toi Matarau Gallery, Ōtaki, New Zealand.
Detail of ‘Poly Power’. SOLD.
Showing at Toi Matarau Gallery, Ōtaki, New Zealand.
‘Poly Power’ for sale at Toi Matarau Gallery, Māoriland Hub, Ōtaki, New Zealand. Now SOLD.
‘He Ao Hou II’ now SOLD.
‘A new dawn’ now SOLD.
My latest collection of rongoā toi ora reflective light + color therapy paintings
I have been really getting into my painting practice over the past few months and I am so grateful to everyone who has already purchased one of my original pieces!
I am also now taking custom personalized commission orders for my paintings based on your story/kaupapa, your ideal budget and your color scheme, you can email me on taryn.teuira@gmail.com to enquire about your own personalized color therapy painting!
Thank you for supporting my art practice!
Mauriora x
A Māori Art Salon with 3 female moko artists in Ōtaki
On 21st March we had an awesome intimate Art Salon event at Ōtaki Beach at May 15 Tattoo Studio.
I was thrilled to collaborate with two of my besties, amazing artists Lorna Tawhiti and Pip Hartley.
We had artist talks, Q + A, a live music and poetry performance, a pop up art exhibition, snacks and drinks and it was fun evening!
This Māori Art Salon was in association with Karanga Ink, May 15 Tattoo and Toi Tangata International Māori Art Gallery.