I have been really getting into my painting practice over the past few months and I am so grateful to everyone who has already purchased one of my original pieces!
I am also now taking custom personalized commission orders for my paintings based on your story/kaupapa, your ideal budget and your color scheme, you can email me on taryn.teuira@gmail.com to enquire about your own personalized color therapy painting!
Thank you for supporting my art practice!
Mauriora x
Ngāti Toa
Tattooing at A.R.T Matariki Art Market this June 17th at Ngā Purapura in Ōtaki
I am thrilled to have been invited to share my art at the upcoming Ātiawa.Raukawa.Toa Matariki Art Market that is happening at the beautiful Ngā Purapura complex in Ōtaki.
I will also have some paintings, prints, hats, clothing and art merchandise there for sale too.
See you there!
Traveling on the ferry with my trusty sidekick and partner, Jerome.
My most recent trip tattooing in Nelson, South Island, New Zealand
I enjoy traveling to Nelson at least once a year to work on my awesome clientele there. I have heaps of whanau in Nelson and it is always great to catch up with them when I am in the area.
I always seem to be given some kind of kaimoana when I am down south and for that I am very grateful!
Eating out is one of the thrills of life for me and so far my favorite restaurant in Nelson is Cod and Lobster and I totally recommend them over anywhere in Nelson that I have tried thus far!
This was my favorite song of the trip.
Here are a few photos of my most recent trip to Nelson 27th - 29th December 2015.
Come check out the Conscious Roots Festival in Plimmerton 28th-29th November 2015
I am stoked to be tattooing at the Conscious Roots Festival due to be held at Hongoeka Marae, Plimmerton on 28th-29th November 2015.
From the Conscious Roots Festival website:
"A generation ago, whānau shared kai as a means of connection and empowerment, threading lives, whakapapa and community together through the exchange of food, traditional practice and stories.
In this day and age, much of the old ways have been replaced with convenience, entertainment and consumerism. But things are changing..
On the fringes of our communities, there are small groups of whānau who are practicing the ways of their tipuna. They are replanting the seeds of traditional practice, sustainability, hauora and self determination.
The Conscious Roots Festival brings gardeners, healers, whānau and kaumātua together to celebrate and strengthen our connection to Papatuanuku and each other. There will be music, stories, creativity, film, workshops, dance, rongoā, karetao, mirimiri, fire, hangi, and laughter in the spirit of community."
Come on down and check it out!
Tattooing one of my relations at Hongoeka Marae.
How to prepare for your tā moko booking with me
I’ve written this quick reference to help guide you in the process of preparing for your tā moko booking with me. The following process has arisen from my experience and each step is there for good reason. For optimum results, prepare yourself in the optimum manner. You are worth it, your moko is worth it, and my time is worth it.
1. Have a good nights sleep the night before. Don’t go out. Don’t drink or drug the night before (and don’t come to me on the day of your booking under the influence – I won’t tattoo you and you’ll have to come back another day.)
2. Eat a good breakfast the morning of your booking. I don’t want you getting light headed on me. Food will give you strength, stamina and endurance.
3. Be clear on what you want your moko to represent. Think about. Sleep on it. What do you really really really want your moko to represent for you? What do you feel in your bones? What do you know to be true for you? Talk to your whānau about it if you want to – but ultimately YOU need to know what you want.
4. Think about WHY you want your tā moko. The clearer you are in your own mind, heart, soul, body and spirit, the better the final outcome will be for us both. Write it down for yourself if this helps you clarify your thoughts - however ultimately you will need to communicate this to me face to face at the time of your booking.
Please note that I do not tattoo designs drawn by other people. Allow me to do my job and design for you, your own custom unique one off piece.
Thanks for reading!
Te Uira Moko: Manifesto
Moko is alive and ever evolving. Moko links us to the past and to the future. Moko is a gift from the gods.
Moko is a taonga from our ancestors. Moko is about whakapapa. Moko is about dna. Moko is both a privilege and a birthright too. Moko tells a story. Moko beautifies. Moko heals.
Moko transforms. Moko is both an art form and a cultural practice. Moko is for men and women. Moko is uniquely and exclusively Māori. Moko is about genealogy.
Moko is about pride. Moko is about claiming your identity and standing in your power as a human being. Moko is about whānau, hapū and iwi.
Moko is about belonging. Moko is about contributing to your community.
Moko is about consciously choosing to walk a good path in life. Moko is about being the best person that you can be. Moko is both ancient and modern, traditional and contemporary.
Moko is about caring for others, especially those smaller or more vulnerable than you. Moko is about facing and dealing to your demons, your fear, your pain and your past wrong doings. Moko is about living your life peacefully.
Moko is about being true to yourself. Moko is a way of honoring your ancestors whom you have come from, and leaving a legacy for your descendants. Moko is a blueprint.